Message from Lead Teacher

I look forward to a very exciting year for our Hebrew School.

With a strong and positive outlook, and a group of dedicated individuals working alongside of me, the Religious School will continue to provide great programming for all of our children. We will continue to provide you and your family with as much Jewish and religious education as possible. All of our programs are staffed by devoted and competent individuals, and each program is marked by new innovation and creativity.

Quoting my favorite line from Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers): “The more Torah, the more life, the more schooling, the more wisdom”. It is the Torah that brings us into the synagogue. It is our education that sends us into the world.

Temple Sinai will continue to stand out in our community. As always, we depend on your help. Be a part of your children’s education not apart from your children’s education. We want you to share in their experience.

We thank you in advance for your continued support and involvement in all of our educational activities here at Temple Sinai. We look forward to providing and having a meaningful Jewish and religious commitment which ultimately brings personal fulfillment and strengths to the entire Jewish people.

With Shalom and Blessings,

Lucy Fox, Lead Teacher
Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein