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Temple Sinai Dues Structure

Dues After Year One, Combined Family Income

Combined Family Income of $40,000 and under, Annual Dues: $966.00 ($891.00 plus United Synagogue membership of $75)
Combined Family Income of $40,000.01-$80,000, Annual Dues: $1486.00 ($1411.00 plus United Synagogue membership of $75)
Combined Family Income of $80,000.01 and higher, Annual Dues:$2303.00 ($2228.00 plus United Synagogue membership of $75)

Past Members Only, $298.00- Cemetery/Burial Rights and Temple Correspondence
$148.00- Temple Correspondence Only

Note: High Holiday Tickets are not included

We also have a Building Fund that is used for improvements and replacements in our Temple.
The Fund is under the auspices of the Capital Improvement Committee.

Each member must pledge $1,500 to the Building Fund.

This pledge is fulfilled by payments of:
$300 in the first year, then
$200 in each of the following five years of Temple Membership

Annual Dues